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Pinewood Store

City Coffee Service x Try Swedish x Havredals 燕麥奶拉花比賽 2023

City Coffee Service x Try Swedish x Havredals 燕麥奶拉花比賽 2023

City Coffee Service x Try Swedish x Havredals 燕麥奶拉花比賽 2023
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Midsummer Celebration - Amusing, Lively and Warm

Midsummer Celebration - Amusing, Lively and Warm

Midsummer Celebration - Amusing, Lively and Warm!!
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Food Donation to Food Friends Action

Food Donation to Food Friends Action

Share food and Love with our society
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【最適合拉花的燕麥奶🥛- Havredals 咖啡師專用燕麥奶 (Barista) ☕️】

【最適合拉花的燕麥奶🥛- Havredals 咖啡師專用燕麥奶 (Barista) ☕️】

經特別調配的Havredals 咖啡師專用燕麥奶,拉花效果、色澤、口感與一般牛奶咖啡無異,濃郁綿密,不比牛奶遜色,係咖啡師必備之選。
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【City Coffee Service x Try Swedish x Havredals 燕麥奶拉花比賽 2023-順利舉行🫡】

【City Coffee Service x Try Swedish x Havredals 燕麥奶拉花比賽 2023-順利舉行🫡】

City Coffee Service X Havredals瑞典燕麥奶於Urban Coffee Roaster舉行燕麥奶拉花比賽 🤍
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Pinewood Store一直致力推廣“Try Swedish”,與本地團體合作,以不同嘅方式,感受瑞典味道同文化,喺香港嘅每個角落都可以Try Swedish。
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