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About Us | Pinewood Store

About Pinewood Group Holdings Limited

Pinewood Group Holdings Limited is a vibrant and innovative company that always aspires to influence every aspect of life. The Pinewood Journey embarked in 2013 when Pinewood Wine was first established, providing the best-valued wines to the market through online platforms. Today, Pinewood Wine has become “The Best Online Wine Wholesaler” with 30 exclusive brands, over 1,000 SKUs and hundreds of strategic partners accumulated. In 2020, Pinewood Store was established and will continue to surprise the market with excellent food, beverages and later necessities. 
Pinewood Group Holdings Limited 是一家充滿活力和創新精神的公司,一直渴望影響生活的各個方面。始於 2013年 Pinewood Wine成立時,通過網上平台為市場提供最有價值的葡萄酒。如今,Pinewood Wine 已成為“最佳網上酒類批發商”,擁有30個獨家代理品牌、1000多款酒類產品、數百家合作夥伴。 2020年,Pinewood Store 成立,並繼續搜羅不同國家的優質食品、飲料和生活用品為市場和客人帶來驚喜。

About Pinewood Store Limited 

Pinewood Store Limited was established in 2020 to diversify Pinewoods Group’s portfolio outside its core wine offerings. With experience in brand building and promotion, skills in high-quality product sourcing, rich knowledge in the local market and extensive distribution of networks, Pinewood Store aims to succeed in becoming the leading food and beverage wholesalers in Hong Kong and Macau.
Pinewood Store Limited 於 2020 成立,旨在使 Pinewoods Group 在其核心葡萄酒產品之外更加多元化主力發展優質北歐產品。憑藉品牌建立及推廣經驗、優質產品採購技巧、豐富的本地市場知識以及廣泛的網絡分佈,Pinewood Store 致力成為香港及澳門領先的食品及飲料批發商。
We value long-term partnership and specialize in creating and maximizing value to create win-win relationships with our suppliers and customers.
Pinewood Store重視長期的協作關係,專注及著重創造和價值增值,致力與我們的供應商和客戶建立雙贏的合作夥伴關係。

"The BEST Nordic Food Wholesaler"


→To those who savor every bite, those who treat eating as an adventure, and those who simply want fresh and pure ingredients, these are all Nordic food could fulfill you. Let’s enjoy them and brighten everyday life.


→ 對於那些細味每一口,把品嚐食物當作一種冒險的人,以及那些想要新鮮純粹食材的人,北歐產品可以滿足這一切。就讓Pinewood Store,為您的日常生活帶來最優質的北歐產品。